
Aug 01, 2015 Roland devices, that are Win 8.1 compatible will not install in Windows 10. I have three devices, a Studio-Capture, an Octa-Capture and a Roland/Edirol PCR-500 MIDI keyboard. All fail with Code 28 status in the Device Manager (driver failed to install). This has also been reported on the Sonar forum. First of all, all credit goes to this guy's blog: Make the Edirol or Roland UM-1 and UM-1X work on Windows 10 Zodiacal Light Basically you need to download the 8.1 drivers (32 or 64 bit as appropriate), then extract the files. Then search the extracted folders for RDIF1009.INF or something similar.

50 x Assignable Controllers

The new PCR Series offers all the controls of previous models, but withthe addition of even more controls that allow players to maximize theplayability and operability of their MIDI hardware and software.

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Assignable Controls & 18 x Velocity Pads

The new PCR Series has all the existing controls of the previous range,but adds exciting new features, such as velocity pads — perfect forplaying drums and triggering sampler phrases. These precision pads canoperate as buttons or velocity pads, and the handy LED indicatorsidentify which of the two modes is selected.

Unique Crossfader & Long-Throw Sliders

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The new Crossfader allows control of two parameters at the same time,and can be used to control synthesizer filters, DJ gestures and more.The new longer-throw sliders can control eight track faders and onemaster fader, or function as organ drawbars.

High-Quality Keyboards with Aftertouch

The new ultra-sensitive keyboards provide a wider dynamic range underthe player’s fingertips, while new aftertouch sensors allow thekeyboardist to play more expressively. Smooth key action, keys shapedfor comfortable glissando playing, silent operation, and stable keymounting all contribute to the enhanced playability of these keyboards.

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Intelligent “Dynamic Mapping” and Editor Software

Dynamic Mapping allows the PCR to automatically assign its physical controls tothe most important parameters (e.g. in the current window of thesoftware being used). Fifteen user memory locations are provided forstoring your favorite setups. When using software that’s not compatiblewith Dynamic Mapping, you can manually configure the Control Mapsettings from the PCR itself or the included PCR Editor Software (Macor Win).

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Side Panel Connections for Streamlined Routing

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The rear panel of the keyboard is free of connections so that you caneasily have a computer display (e.g. LCD monitor), ASCII keyboard,mouse & mouse pad, or laptop computer behind the keyboard — in theideal position for use. This is especially beneficial for educationalusers in classrooms where space is often restricted. All connectionsare located on the left side - USB, MIDI IN/OUT plus separate Hold andExpression pedal ports. The PCR keyboard works with USB bus power. ACadaptor not required. (The optional PSB series AC Adaptor is soldseparately.) A MIDI Merge capability from the MIDI input to either theMIDI output (or to the computer via USB) is also provided, and isconvenient for advanced MIDI systems.