Cabal Online - Force Archer Guide 2013

  1. Cabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring 2
  2. Cabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring Mod
  3. Cabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring Back

You can get that formula only in BI from core alchemist quest and you need Killian's Lymbic Tonsil+mergaheph's ring+Black Tear. 1) Get any pet u want 2) Level it until lv10 3) Send/get a lot of Pet Untrain Kit - id:3337 ItemOpt = 100 4) Send/get a lot of Force core highest - id:1215 5) Train ur pet at alchemist - all 10slots 6) We have for example pet like on ss below. BM1 removes all your self buffs including blade enchants and replace it with the strongest magic skill(the cannons) which reduces our critical rate and damage, but because of Astral Enhancement, with Killian’s Ring we can still have 36% critical rate.

Similar Threads QuestionThe Mergaheph's Ring 2x - Cabal Online - 7 Replies if you have 50x sealed core and formula card and Ring of evil spirit in your inventory you can take the 1st Ring from the quest and Craft the 2nd ring? Maybe the 'another way to break the seal quest' will be removed when you own a mergaheph ring? Or after i get the mergaheph ring the 2nd ring craft will fail? “Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing” To further understand “The Plan”, the ‘Fall of the Cabal” series speaks about false-flags with an objective perspective of time and alternative revelations, goes into human trafficking, pedophilia, media manipulation, ritual sacrifices, and finishes by offering a positive perspective of what’s being done as many awakened would attest to.

The Force Archer or FA. Possible good and convincing words that come in our mind when we think about FA: Magic skill, Heal, Buffs, Range, Crit Rate/Damage, Bow and Guns, effective stunlock, effective knockback/down, FAST Cast Speed/ dps (Damage per second), AoE, Squishy. All of these words are facts about FA and what makes the class good with almost everything – pve, pvp, dungeon pt run/solo, nationwar, boss hunt/solo.
Force Archers are the only class that can use a special weapon called the Astral Bow. The Astral Bow adds +12 Magic Attack, + 34 Attack Rate and +12% Crit rate and +1 Range. I consider FA as the best supportive class because of its heal abilities that can prevent death. The FA class is both good in PvE and PvP terms if you just get to understand it more. Lets start!
FA Pros!
Magic based class.Having said that, we focus more on building int than str. We have moderate - high magic attack.
Enhanced healing abilities. We heal better than Force Shielders. We are the only class that can save others and even ourselves from death.
Possesses an Important role in a party. We can heal a whole party. We can remove curse buffs and enhance the party damage with our very own unique set of buff/skills.
Fast and strong AoE skills. Skills like Critical shot, Shadow shot, and a finishing Sonic Shooter have fast dps that can pierce through targets. We also have skills that can stun. A correct combination of these skills can result to a good offense strategy for both pvp and pve - We eliminate by using the skills speed and damage. Fast? How fast? For example, while wizards takes 1.8's cast time for lances, FA's only takes 1.3's and Knockback is also our expertise.
Has the best range among any other class. This is what makes FA unique among the rest. Astral bow and Eagle Eye each adds +1 range. Range makes grinding easier and leveling up faster. By developing a good stun lock combo a Force Archer can maintain a distance that can lessen the damage being taken from a target whether it be a mob or a person. It is also perceived that Range allows a FA to eliminatea melee target before they can even come near you.
FA Cons
- Very fragile creatures.
HP has always been a problem with most FA. Whats even worse is that the defense is also low. Ranging an average from 650-730ish defense with Osmium gears at lvl 140 and up. So at often times it will be difficult. You can be 1 hit by a bladers bm2 skill, die easy in grind spots. Early low levels (below 120) is probably the toughest stage of FA life.
Our Completer Skill Shooting Star is probably the weakest compared to other class in terms of pve against large numbers of mobs because damage is divided.
Other things to know about a FA
Moderate MP
Average Attack and Defense Rate
Have one spell that causes HP down effect [Poison Arrow]
Have two spells that cause stun [Gravity Distortion & Sonic Shooter]
Have two debuffs [Lower Defense and Blind]
Have quite a number of buffs including one Party buff [13 total but only 7 can be shared to other players]
And one spell that removes unmoved/root debuffs.
Armors/Builds. 5 types. There are six types actually but I will just introduce five of which I think will work.
Osm Battle/Terra Grace – The equilibrium of all FA armor builds as what I call it – It’s a balanced build. Thus ideal for beginners. Ideal because theres an abundance of Perfect craft OSM armors out there and are relatively cheap compared to other possible FA armor builds. The defense may top 700 at +7 above which is just enough to allow one to withstand Mutant Forest and Pontus Ferrum mob damage and the magic attack gain can go higher as 1060 given the right orbs eppaulette and accessories.
Stat allocation: 111 Str / X Int / 223 Dex.
Osm Martial – Some of us (well I think most) gives more interest in damage more than defense. Which is good thinking in the FA world. In PvE grinds/Boss Hunts Vamp replaces the purpose of defense – its easier to survive vamping and its recommended for mFA builds when grinding. Since we all know that the more int you have the more magic attack you get, this build allows one to grasp on more int and increase the damage. Sad to say that this build dont work anymore upon the implementation of new update (Legacy of Darkness) since non-class bound osm pieces dont give hp at all.
Stat allocation: 68 Str / X Int / 136 Dex .
Hybrid Martial – is a build in between OSM battle and OSM martial. It is when one slightly decrease his DEX and STR stats to an extent enough to wear battle boots like +8 Shadow Tit. +9 Titanium. There are two reasons why I think people go hybrid; One is because they don’t want to lose too much defense, -well I find that reason funny if that’s the case- BUT! To those people who view it as a cheaper and affordable option to get more magic attack and HP (fact: boots & gloves are expensive than suit, Titanium boots are cheaper to extend for hp add) then that’s good thinking. There is no way to look at defense with this build. It gives magic attack damage slightly less than Martial but more than Battle Osm build. Stat allocation:79 Str / X Int / 157 Dex
SIGmetal – is a build between OSM battle and Forcium. Works good for FA who works more for a supportive role. I also view this build as one perfect balanced end game build IF its Perfect crafted from the event because the defense gain is good (around 850-880 at 170) and HP. Remember when I said HP and Defense are cons of FA? Well this PC Sig build defies it. Stat allocation: 134 Str / X int / 268 Dex
Forcium – Does show great significance in PvE and Support Role Purpose. As one of my colleagues have stated in one of his self publishedguide “This is an unpopular build, and for good reason. It's build requires significantly lower magic attack”. I digress. I give myself as proof and evidence of why I contradict such statement - Miavii. They can say forcium amp is rare, it is expensive and not wise to purchase but they cannot say it requires significantly lower magic attack. It is not the Armor/Build that determines significant decrease or increase in magic attack. The orbs/crystals, accessories and eppaulette are the ones that makes this significant differentiation. Its possible for forcium to break 1100 magic attack (which I believe is good) at 160. The defense increase is what we can say significant (900-1k).
Stat allocation: 153 Str / X Int / 304 Dex.
Drei Frame - Each piece provide +15 more bonus HP than Forcium. With Unique Options that are randomly applied for each piece. refer to this link (;DreiFrame)
I still find EvilBunny’s FA skill guide helpful for reasons that it helps beginners of what to do rank by rank. This guide is what I used during my starting days and it helped me so I’ll share it. Some parts are modified since the guide is outdated.
I will suggest to get to the appropriate level and wear adept stuff so grinding will be faster.
Novice: Get Power Shot and Fire Arrow to 9. Combo with Power Shot, Magic Arrow and Fire Arrow until u get Power Shot and Fire Arrow to 9, where u can combo with just 2 skills. Get regeneration aswell. Upgrade Skill: Vitality Mastery. Get Dash from sword skills aswell.
Apprentice: Get Repulsive Armor and max it to 20 ASAP, its your first final buff. Get Critical Shot and drop Power Shot. Get buff: Precision to 20..
Regular: Get Explosion Shot, Fire Lance and Terra Lance and make them 9. Drop Magic Arrow and Fire Arrow. U can combo with Critical Shot(9) and Explosion Shot(9), or make them 12 and combo with 3 skills (use Fire/Terra Lance plus the other 2). Dont get Eagle Eye until u hit level 140 (Rank 15). Its a final buff but it cant stack with Vital Force (HP buff) so its better to leave it til u can stack both. Get Upgrade Skill: Drop Reflex and get Defensive Sense.
Expert: Get Stone Cannon to 9 and Lower Defense (Miavii side note: You might be forced to drop the cannons when you have insufficient stat points to master Sonic Shooter if you will pvp more in future). Lower Defense is a debuff great for PvP but u can get it to 9 if u dont have spare points. Eventually max it to 20. Lower Defense is also great for luring mobs cause it makes them agro. Some ppl like Poison Arrow cause it has Damage Over Time, but its kinda slow so its up to u. Get Upgrade Skill: Force Control.
A.Expert: This is where the fun starts. Get Shadow Shot, Mana Condense and Vital Force. Mana Condense and Vital Force are final buffs so u need them at 20. Drop Explosion Shot and replace it with Shadow Shot level 9 if u combo with 2 skills or level 12 if u combo with 3 skills. Get Sharpness to 20 if u plan to play more support (Miavii side note: don’t get it if you want to get party buff and curse remove at trans). At lvl 140, Sharpness stacks with Warrior and Bladers attack skills.
Master: Get Greater Heal to 20. Dont get Vital Bless until u hit 140. Its a final buff but it cant stack with Vital Force (HP buff). Dont get Resist Intention. Get Upgrade Skill: Reflex or leave it blank til G.Master skills so u can buy 2 G.Master upgrades instead.
A.Master: Get Thrusting Arrow to 20.
G.Master: Get Gravity Distortion and make it 9. Get Art of Healing to 20. Upgrade Skill: U got many choices here. U can get Damage Absorb if mobs are hitting u too hard, Ruling Force if u need a damage boost, Sixth Sense if your Defense Rate is too low. I would go for Damage Absorb to make it safer. Later on u can buy them all but since u only have 5 upgrade slots, u need to choose just 1. If u left your Master slot free and got 2 free slots, u can get Damage Absorb plus Sixth Sense for safer PvE.
Completer: Get Shooting Star to 9 depending on your combo. Get Mass Heal to 20
Transcender: Get Art of Sniping to 20 and Sonic Shooter to 20. Upgrade Skill: The last u didnt pick, I will go for Sixth Sense.
By this time u should have these following buffs and these magic attack skills: (miavii side notes: be sure to obtain and master Dash and fade on sword skill too, you’ll need it)
Repulsive Armor lvl20
Eagle Eye lvl20 (only by lvl140+)
Mana Condense lvl20
Vital Force lvl20
Greater Heal lvl20
Mass Heal lvl20
Art of Healing lvl20
Art of Sniping lvl20
Thrusting Arrow lvl20
Curse Remove lvl18
Offensive bless (Party buff) lvl 20
Vital Bless lvl9 (only by lvl140+)
Precision lvl20 (if u dont combo and u just spam skills)
GetSharpness lvl20 (if u wanna play more support)
Lower Defense lvl20
Blind lvl20 (if u wanna help with bosses)
Critical Shot lvl20
Shadow Shot lvl20
Gravity Distortion lvl9
Shooting Star lvl20
Sonic Shooter (lvl 20)
Fire, Terra and Aqua Lance lvl-20 (lvl 20)
Upgrade Skills: Since u can only have 6, u have to pick from different upgrades. PvP wise, u want more defense and damage. PvE wise, u want more defense rate and defense.
PvE Upgrades:
Vitality Mastery
Force Control
Defensive Sense
Force Ruling
Damage Absorb
Sixth Sense
PvP Upgrades:
Vitality Mastery
Force Control
Force Ruling
Defensive Sense
Damage AbsorbCabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring
Mana Upgrade
Cabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring(Miavii side notes: Mana Upgrade can be a good choice for pvp (breaks 1.450 mp which is good to withstand fb mana freeze, but might take a lot of commitment on your side for losing defense rate. It is to replace Sixth Sense)
Skill Ranking UP gains
Novice -> Transcender, Total of;
+96 DEX
+96 INT
+270 HP
+540 MP
Novice -> Transcender, Total of;
+96 DEX
+96 STR
+270 MP
+540 HP
Total gain of for dual transcender
+96 STR, + 96 INT, +192 DEX, +810 HP, +810 MP
CLASS RANK UP per 10 level.
Class rank Up
At every 10 levels, you are allowed to take a test to increase your class rank.
Class rank up is fairly important because you may gain stat increase and certain attractive rewards as you go along.
For example, after the Lv 140 test, you will be able to stack two of the same type buffs together.
Contributions made by Khayantos (cabalonline, 02-27-2008)
Level 10: Aura Mode possible
Level 20: Battle Mode 1 (Multi-Shooter) possible
Level 30: Combo possible
Level 40: Buff Time 50% UP
Battle Mode 1 + Aura Mode Possible
Level 50: Board Chain Attack Skill Level 1
Battle Mode 2 (Twin Gunner) Possible
Level 60: Battle Mode 2 + Aura Mode Possible
Board Chain Attack Skill Level 2
Level 70: HP Boost
Max HP UP (Values may vary depending on the Battle Style)
Board Chain Attack Skill Level 3
Level 80: Buff Time 100% UP
Board Chain Attack Skill Level 4
Level 90: Combo accessible in Aura Mode
Bike Chain Attack Skill Level 1
Level 100: Bike Chain Attack Skill Level 2 & 2nd Storage Inventory Access
~Promotional Quests for Lv. 110 or higher can be played only those who completed the War Clouds Quest group~
Level 110: Battle Mode 1 (Combo accessible)
Bike Chain Attack Skill Level 3
Second storage inventory unlocked
Level 120: Buff Time 150% UP
Buff Quantity Limit to 6
Bike Chain Attack Skill Level 3
Level 130: Battle Mode 1 + Aura Mode (Combo accessible)
Buff Quantity Limit to 7
Level 140: 2 Identical series of Buff can be used and overlapped
Buff Quantity Limit to 8
Level 150: Buff Time 200% UP
Buff Quantity Limit to 9
Level 160: Buff Quantity Limit to 10
Level 170: 3 Identical series of Buff can be used and overlapped
Level 180: SP slot can be extended to 6 in line with sp increase

PvP (Duel)
Crit Shot> Shadow> Terra>Fire>Aqua>Sonic (dps)
Gravity Distortion>Crit Shot> Shadow> Terra> Fire> Sonic (WA)
Gravity Distortion is used for 3 ways. If it crits which eventually happens followed by crit shot critting as well. The dmge dealt is enough to beat a WA. (Fact: WA's are difficult to beat as FA provided they are well built), It also breaks/freeze a melee enemy's combo mode if it is casted earlier before they cast force kick at start of combo but happens rarely. Can be used to make ur melee opponent like BL (bladers) run and waste time as u cast it when they attack and get closer to you.
PvE -
GD>Crit Shot>Shadow>Terra>Fire>Aqua lance>Back to GD >>>> Sonic Shooter comes ONLY to finish them or IF a stray spawn appears and starts attacking you.
There are certain maps and grind spots that dont allow people to gather every mob in that area. PF Cornus spot is an example where mobs are everywhere and can be unnoticable. You might be grinding on top of that semi circle path and attract stray mobs at the bottom. If this happens sticking in combo mode wont be a good idea. Having 2 spells that stun really helps in this situation know to use them. Lastly Vamp is a must especially to FA's with lower defense like mFA's.
Aura, Battle Modes 1 & 2 and the special Skill
Aura Mode
Upon completion of level 10 rank up test, you will obtain Battle Aura. Battle Aura has 6 aura codes, which are Water, Ice, Fire, Lightning, Earth and Wind.
There is no stat difference between these Aura Codes, they're merely graphical appearance.
[For a guide to choose aura appearance, refer to this link]
For a Force Archer, Aura adds ATK, MATK, Def, Def rate, Atk rate, Crit rate, Crit damage and HP restore.
A maxed Lv 9 Aura adds +46 ATK, +70 MATK, +110 Def, +90 Def rate, +1000 Atk rate, +10% Crit rate, +10% Crit damage and HP restore +2 (per 2s).
Aura can be stacked with Battle Mode 1 and Battle Mode 2 at later levels.
Aura is the only power up that can combo with shooting star and sonic shooter
Aura is the only mode that adds crit rate and crit damage.
Battle Mode 1
Upon completion of level 20 rank up test, you will obtain Battle Mode 1: Multi Shooter.

Cabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring 2

Multi Shooter adds ATK, MATK, Def, Def rate, Atk rate and HP restore.
A maxed Lv 16 Multi Shooter adds +115 ATK, +115 MATK, Defense +190, ATK rate +1700, Def rate +160 and HP restore +5 (per 2s).
Things to know about Multi Shooter.
It changes the limit of your attack spells to 1, regardless whatever spell it is. Piercing effect is also lost during Multi Shooter.
It splits a spell damage and hits a number of targets within range. A maximum of 4 targets only. A good skill to demonstrate this effect is Gravity Distortion. Lure ten mobs and you'll notice only four of those ten will get hit.
Shooting star cannot be used during Multi Shooter.
Battle Mode 2
Upon completion of level 50 rank up test, you will obtain Battle Mode 2: Twin Gunner.
Twin Gunner adds ATK, MATK, Def, Def rate, Atk rate and HP restore.
A maxed Lv 14 Twin Gunner adds +240 ATK, +240 MATK, Defense +375, ATK rate +1500, Def rate +140 and HP restore +5 (per 2s).

Cabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring Mod

Things to know about Twin Gunner.
It is one of the few Battle Modes that promote the use of normal attack.
During Twin Gunner, normal attack is based on Magic Attack and a certain amount of added damage is included when normal attack is used.
Up to two targets can be attacked at the same time and at any direction within the FA's point of range.
The resulting damage is actually broken up into a series of shots but most wont realize this aspect when they activate auto-attack or spam normal attack.
Shooting Star can be used this time for this battle mode.

Cabal Tricks To Get Killians Ring Back

FA Battle Mode Skill: Fatal Shot
This special skill only hits 1 target. It is based on magic attack and a certain amount of added damage is included.
The skill has 2 secondary effects which are HP down by 20 and Down.
Unfortunately the skill is not that good enough to deal serious damage hence FA's at higher levels would disregard its use.
This additional section of the guide tackles about the finishing stages of a FA and some additional tips/guides. Again, this is just focused within my own perspective throughout my experiences as a Force Archer.What you’ll be reading is more about what the tier 5 (lv.170-180) is like for a FA. “With more power comes great responsibility” (I forgot what movie lol) the phrase applies perfectly for all FA’s at higher levels.
Dungeon runs – Our role to support as healers and dps’ers still and will always remain as an important factor for a party’s survival andperformance in certain dungeons, more challenging ones such as Chaos Arena 5,ft2 and Maquinas Outpost.
I believe that even lower levels (below 170) can manage these dungeons given the appropriate gears. In fact, I’ve actually seen lower levels being taken to one of these dungeons and they did pretty well clearing it. The task is simple – focus on healing, don’t attack try not to steal aggro. But is that what you want to do? Hide behind, stay further and just heal your tankers all the time? Perhaps for some this is ok, don’t get me wrong I respect that. For lower levels this is ok and probably the only option because they’re (w/ their stats) too “fragile” to get hit.
But for a tier 5 FA who’s expected to break 4k hp and gain more damage stats, that is not how it supposed to be. You would want to contribute as much support as you can to the best of your abilities and that is by having the flexibility to heal and attack (dps) at the same time. If you are able to do this already without screwing the party then give yourself a pat in the back. If not then listen.

Screwing up in healing is a result of disorganization. First, you should know that mono healing (Greater Heal) each one in the partyis not a good idea. Six HP bars are too much for one FA to handle by mono healing and Mass heal takes quite awhile to cooldown. FA’s can only mono heal up to three to four HP bars without screwing the party and still be able to attack– I say three if you disregard yourself from the three tankers, and ofcourse that depends how well your endurance (stats&skill) is with the enemy/ies damage.
The party members must first be organized. Figure out the tankers first. These guys will need your Greater heals the most. The tankers are those who do the greatest damage and take the damage. Who would they be? I think everyone knows that Warriors and Force Shielder class fall under the tanker category…right? Well for me, it’s partly true and false in a way that it doesn’t necessarily have to be a WA or a FS to do the tanking.
They can also be any class with appropriate gears and stats.If you’re not convinced about that, fine… but let me explain why.
Part of my process in organizing a party is grouping the tankers. I call this group the “priority three”. The priority three should have a WA, a FS, and another tanker of your choice so it doesn’t matter if this is aBL, FB,WI, or FA if there are no other WA or FS. Just remember WA and FS within the party are automatically a part of the priority three, you just need to figure out the strongest WA or FS. They’re the ones you need to focus on healing, the rest of the members are secondary with Mass heal.

1. Whenever available (cooled down) when enemy/monster/trap damage flies everywhere continuously and hitting almost everyone in the party.
2. Boss appear/re-spawn delivering huge spike damages toeveryone. (ex. Tyrant’s first attack should be followed by a Mass Heal.)
Being the perfect flexible FA – which means you can manage healing and attacking at the same time without the aide of another FA – isn’teasy to accomplish. By attacking as well, you more likely have a chance to steal enemy monster’s agro and be in a whole lot of trouble if you don’t have the proper gearing to endure its/their damage. Here is when we talk about theFA PvE gear.
Vamp helps a lot!! - With FA’s fast dps and good AoE skills, vamp stats on FA makes pve’ing easier. We use vamp for soloing bosses, solo/grinding, and running dungeons. There are two ways to acquire vampiric stats (hp steal+hp absorb stats), it could be acquired from equipments (accessories, armors, and pets) and/or from Runes. Either of those two works just fine for surviving, but when it comes to the question of which of these two ways will yield better dps and more hp steal amount? Learning and mastering the hp steal rune is the way to go since it allows you to dispatch the use of 1 life absorb ring and replace it with a crit/sage ring thus adding more crit damage/base + cdi. So basically the amount of HP you steal by vamping depends on the amount of damage you deal and how often you crit so also remember that more damage is good.
Proper Combo – Stunlock combo!!! It depends on your preference. You can browse videos for this, ask a lot of people here in this forum or formulate one yourself. But you need to use an effective one. Like Sonic Shooter/Gravity D (lvl 9)>Shadow Shot (lvl 20) > 3 lances/cannons (lvl 12/18). I don’t bother with perfect stunlock combo’s anymore since survivability in dungeon isn’t an issue with my FA’s gearing.
HP, Def and Def Rate – These three are important for survival. Do I still need to tell you how to get the best amounts of them? Its already a common sense that the only way to acquire the best amounts for these comes with gear and upgrade. [Forcium>Drei>SIGmetal>TG>OSM] nuff said.