People often ask me how I went from working for the government to fashion. Yes, a pretty crazy story. The truth is simple – transferrable skills. And to be honest I don’t work in fashion – I work in analytics for a fashion company.

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  4. Analysis Of Competing Hypotheses Tool
  5. Analysis Of Competing Hypotheses Software For Mac Os

Dick wrote several books and many articles: Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis and developed the concept of Analysis of Competing Hypotheses. Essentially, ACH is a tool to aid judgment on important issues requiring careful weighing of alternative explanations or conclusions. Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) is a simple model for how to think about a complex problem. It is an analytic process that identifies a complete set of alternative hypotheses, systematically evaluates data that is consistent and inconsistent with each hypothesis, and rejects hypotheses that contain too much inconsistent data. It’s called ACH — Analysis of Competing Hypotheses. Why do I love it? Often we set out to prove something and then are persuaded by certain key pieces of evidence until we confirm what we believed in the first place (aka confirmation bias). ACH is the opposite — you set out to disprove something.

Need to make a decision based on overwhelming amounts of data and hypotheses? Forget about torturing your brain and pick up a copy of Open Source Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH), a free intelligence software designed to help you make objective and logical decisions by rigorously testing each hypothesis.

What I want to share with the digital analytics community is the most valuable analytical technique I learned while in government. It’s called ACH – Analysis of Competing Hypotheses.

Analysis of Competing Hypotheses, ACH, is a simple model for how to think about and fuse geospatial information into analytic problems. As we have included ACH in our geospatial analytic method, it takes the geospatial analyst through a process to make well-reasoned, analytical judgments using both non-geospatial and geospatial information. The analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH) method can be used to evaluate multiple competing hypotheses when investigating problems. The method mitigates cognitive biases that humans experience when e. The analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH) method can be used to evaluate multiple competing hypotheses when investigating problems. The method mitigates cognitive biases that humans experience.

Why do I love it? Often we set out to prove something and then are persuaded by certain key pieces of evidence until we confirm what we believed in the first place (aka confirmation bias).

ACH is the opposite – you set out to disprove something. The strength of this approach is that it is difficult to allow your natural biases to influence the outcome of your analysis. Particularly, in cases where you have missing information.

ACH was first developed by Heuer in the late 70s, early 80s, while he was an analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). ACH draws on the scientific method, cognitive psychology and decision analysis. This method became widely available for the first time when the CIA published online Heuer’s now-classic book, The Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, well worth a read for people who work in analytics.

ACH is a very methodical, time intensive process. I have very much adapted it to suit my everyday analytics work, as the full method is not required for all pieces of analysis (see below for the cheat’s version). You can read the full process here. Itstarts with a question I would like answered.

Moe’s Step-by-Step Guide to ACH for Digital Analytics

  1. Brainstorm hypotheses – identify possible hypotheses. Use a group of analysts, product owners and/or marketers with different perspectives to brainstorm possibilities. Be MECE in your approach – mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive (see The McKinsey Mind for more information).
  2. Collect the data – consider what data you need to support and disprove each hypothesis and set about collecting it (referred to as evidence and arguments).
  3. Prepare a matrix – Take your hypotheses from Step 1 and the evidence and arguments from Step 2 and put this information into a matrix. The hypotheses are listed across the top and evidence and arguments down the side. Then take the first item of evidence and ask whether it is consistent with, inconsistent with, or not applicable to each hypothesis. Use whatever notation works best for you (C/I/NA – I prefer +, – and NA because this also allows me to add ++ for very strong pieces of evidence). The important step here is to work across the matrix – analysing each piece of evidence against each hypothesis.
  4. Analyse the “diagnosticity” of the evidence – identify which items are most helpful in judging the relative likelihood of the hypotheses. If a piece of evidence supports every hypothesis – then it has no diagnostic value. Reconsider or reword the hypotheses if necessary and most importantly, are there any hypotheses missing that should be added.
  5. Disprove your hypotheses – you can have all the evidence in the world to back one hypothesis – but if there is one piece of evidence that disproves it – you can reject it.In Step 3, you worked across the matrix, focusing on a single item of evidence or argument and examining against each hypotheses. Now, you work down the matrix, analysing each hypothesis as a whole.
  6. Sensitivity analysis – analyse how sensitive your conclusion is to a few critical items of evidence. Consider the consequences for your analysis if that evidence was wrong, misleading, or subject to a different interpretation. Here, it is important to consider risk. If your analysis is driving a $5m marketing budget, make sure you have not misinterpreted any pieces of evidence. If your analysis is a small piece of work, then this step does not require as much rigour.
  7. Report your findings – the best bit! And don’t forget to tell a story with your data…. Focus on the “so what” should we do, rather than “what does this mean”.

Here’s a basic example to get you started (keep in mind this is basic and not MECE):

Question: Why aren’t more mobile site ( users moving to our iOS app?

Hypotheses (across the top):

  1. users are not on iOS devices
  2. users are unaware of the value add of app
  3. There are features on the which are not on the app
  4. We are pushing users to (via our marketing execution)
  5. Users are accessing content only accessible on the

Evidence (down the side):

  1. % of users on iOS devices
  2. # of users who use now but have the app in the past
  3. Usage of features not on the app
  4. Channel information for users
  5. # of sessions where content is accessed on, that is not available on app
Users are not on iOS users are unaware of value on appFeatures on the not on the appWe are pushing users to (marketing execution)Content not on app
XX% of users are on iOS devicesNANANANA
XX% of users have not used the appNA++++
# of users accessing features on m.siteNA+++
Emails link to the m.siteNA++++NA
# of sessions accessing content on NANA++

For example, with the above matrix, I can remove hypothesis 1 and 3 because they both have evidence which disproves them.

I also have a cheat’s version for when I need the same rigour, but without taking as much time. Here I list each hypothesis down the left and then have two columns, evidence that supports and evidence that disproves across the top. This cheat’s version still allows me to disprove and therefore disregard some hypotheses.

Analysis Of Competing Hypotheses Software For Mac
HypothesesEvidence that supportsEvidence that disproves
Users are not on iOS devices users are unaware of value on app
Features on the not on the app
We are pushing users to (marketing execution)
Content not on app
(Redirected from Analysis of Competing Hypotheses)
Information mapping
Topics and fields
Node–link approaches
See also

The analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH) is a methodology for evaluating multiple competing hypotheses for observed data. It was developed by Richards (Dick) J. Heuer, Jr., a 45-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, in the 1970s for use by the Agency.[1] ACH is used by analysts in various fields who make judgments that entail a high risk of error in reasoning. ACH aims to help an analyst overcome, or at least minimize, some of the cognitive limitations that make prescient intelligence analysis so difficult to achieve.[1]

ACH was a step forward in intelligence analysis methodology, but it was first described in relatively informal terms. Producing the best available information from uncertain data remains the goal of researchers, tool-builders, and analysts in industry, academia and government. Their domains include data mining, cognitive psychology and visualization, probability and statistics, etc. Abductive reasoning is an earlier concept with similarities to ACH.


Heuer outlines the ACH process in considerable depth in his book, Psychology of Intelligence Analysis.[1] It consists of the following steps:

  1. Hypothesis – The first step of the process is to identify all potential hypotheses, preferably using a group of analysts with different perspectives to brainstorm the possibilities. The process discourages the analyst from choosing one 'likely' hypothesis and using evidence to prove its accuracy. Cognitive bias is minimized when all possible hypotheses are considered.[1]
  2. Evidence – The analyst then lists evidence and arguments (including assumptions and logical deductions) for and against each hypothesis.[1]
  3. Diagnostics – Using a matrix, the analyst applies evidence against each hypothesis in an attempt to disprove as many theories as possible. Some evidence will have greater 'diagnosticity' than other evidence — that is, some will be more helpful in judging the relative likelihood of alternative hypotheses. This step is the most important, according to Heuer. Instead of looking at one hypothesis and all the evidence ('working down' the matrix), the analyst is encouraged to consider one piece of evidence at a time, and examine it against all possible hypotheses ('working across' the matrix).[1]
  4. Refinement – The analyst reviews the findings, identifies any gaps, and collects any additional evidence needed to refute as many of the remaining hypotheses as possible.[1]
  5. Inconsistency – The analyst then seeks to draw tentative conclusions about the relative likelihood of each hypothesis. Less consistency implies a lower likelihood. The least consistent hypotheses are eliminated. While the matrix generates a definitive mathematical total for each hypothesis, the analyst must use their judgment to make the final conclusion. The result of the ACH analysis itself must not overrule analysts' own judgments.
  6. Sensitivity – The analyst tests the conclusions using sensitivity analysis, which weighs how the conclusion would be affected if key evidence or arguments were wrong, misleading, or subject to different interpretations. The validity of key evidence and the consistency of important arguments are double-checked to assure the soundness of the conclusion's linchpins and drivers.[1]
  7. Conclusions and evaluation – Finally, the analyst provides the decisionmaker with his or her conclusions, as well as a summary of alternatives that were considered and why they were rejected. The analyst also identifies milestones in the process that can serve as indicators in future analyses.[1]


There are many benefits of doing an ACH matrix. It is auditable. It is widely believed to help overcome cognitive biases, though there is a lack of strong empirical evidence to support this belief.[2] Since the ACH requires the analyst to construct a matrix, the evidence and hypotheses can be backtracked. This allows the decisionmaker or other analysts to see the sequence of rules and data that led to the conclusion.


The process to create an ACH is time consuming. The ACH matrix can be problematic when analyzing a complex project. It can be cumbersome for an analyst to manage a large database with multiple pieces of evidence.

Especially in intelligence, both governmental and business, analysts must always be aware that the opponent(s) is intelligent and may be generating information intended to deceive.[3][4] Since deception often is the result of a cognitive trap, Elsaesser and Stech use state-based hierarchical plan recognition (see abductive reasoning) to generate causal explanations of observations. The resulting hypotheses are converted to a dynamic Bayesian network and value of information analysis is employed to isolate assumptions implicit in the evaluation of paths in, or conclusions of, particular hypotheses. As evidence in the form of observations of states or assumptions is observed, they can become the subject of separate validation. Should an assumption or necessary state be negated, hypotheses depending on it are rejected. This is a form of root cause analysis.

Evidence also presents a problem if it is unreliable. The evidence used in the matrix is static and therefore it can be a snapshot in time.

According to social constructivist critics, ACH also fails to stress sufficiently (or to address as a method) the problematic nature of the initial formation of the hypotheses used to create its grid. There is considerable evidence, for example, that in addition to any bureaucratic, psychological, or political biases that may affect hypothesis generation, there are also factors of culture and identity at work. These socially constructed factors may restrict or pre-screen which hypotheses end up being considered, and then reinforce confirmation bias in those selected.[5]

Philosopher and argumentation theoristTim van Gelder has made the following criticisms:[6]

Analysis Of Competing Hypotheses Software

  • ACH demands that the analyst makes too many discrete judgments, a great many of which contribute little if anything to discerning the best hypothesis
  • ACH misconceives the nature of the relationship between items of evidence and hypotheses by supposing that items of evidence are, on their own, consistent or inconsistent with hypotheses.
  • ACH treats the hypothesis set as 'flat', i.e. a mere list, and so is unable to relate evidence to hypotheses at the appropriate levels of abstraction
  • ACH cannot represent subordinate argumentation, i.e. the argumentation bearing up on a piece of evidence.
  • ACH activities at realistic scales leave analysts disoriented or confused.

Van Gelder proposed hypothesis mapping (similar to argument mapping) as an alternative to ACH.[7][8]

Structured analysis of competing hypotheses[edit]

The structured analysis of competing hypotheses offers analysts an improvement over the limitations of the original ACH.[discuss][9] The SACH maximizes the possible hypotheses by allowing the analyst to split one hypothesis into two complex ones.

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For example, two tested hypotheses could be that Iraq has WMD or Iraq does not have WMD. If the evidence showed that it is more likely there are WMDs in Iraq then two new hypotheses could be formulated: WMD are in Baghdad or WMD are in Mosul. Or perhaps, the analyst may need to know what type of WMD Iraq has; the new hypotheses could be that Iraq has biological WMD, Iraq has chemical WMD and Iraq has nuclear WMD. By giving the ACH structure, the analyst is able to give a nuanced estimate.[10]

Other approaches to formalism[edit]

One method, by Valtorta and colleagues uses probabilistic methods, adds Bayesian analysis to ACH.[11] A generalization of this concept to a distributed community of analysts lead to the development of CACHE (the Collaborative ACH Environment),[12] which introduced the concept of a Bayes (or Bayesian) community. The work by Akram and Wang applies paradigms from graph theory.[13]

Other work focuses less on probabilistic methods and more on cognitive and visualization extensions to ACH, as discussed by Madsen and Hicks.[14] DECIDE, discussed under automation is visualization-oriented.[15]

Work by Pope and Jøsang uses subjective logic, a formal mathematical methodology that explicitly deals with uncertainty.[16] This methodology forms the basis of the Sheba technology that is used in Veriluma's intelligence assessment software.


A few online and downloadable tools help automate the ACH process. These programs leave a visual trail of evidence and allow the analyst to weigh evidence.

PARC ACH 2.0[17] was developed by Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in collaboration with Richards J. Heuer, Jr. It is a standard ACH program that allows analysts to enter evidence and rate its credibility and relevance. Another useful program is the Decision Command software created by Dr. Willard Zangwill.[18]

SSS Research, Inc. is an analytic research firm that created DECIDE.[15][19] DECIDE not only allows analysts to manipulate ACH, but it provides multiple visualization products.[20]

There is at least one open-source ACH implementation.[21]

Analysis Of Competing Hypotheses Software For Macbook Pro

See also[edit]


Analysis Of Competing Hypotheses Tool

  1. ^ abcdefghiHeuer, Richards J., Jr, 'Chapter 8: Analysis of Competing Hypotheses', Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
  2. ^Thomason, Neil (2010), 'Alternative Competing Hypotheses', Field Evaluation in the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Context: Workshop Summary, National Academies Press
  3. ^Elsaesser, Christopher; Stech, Frank J. (2007), 'Detecting Deception', in Kott, Alexander; McEneaney, William (eds.), Adversarial Reasoning: Computational Approaches to Reading the Opponent’s Mind, Chapman & Hall/CRC, pp. 101–124
  4. ^Stech, Frank J.; Elsaesser, Christopher, Deception Detection by Analysis of Competing Hypotheses(PDF), MITRE Corporation, archived from the original(PDF) on 2008-08-07, retrieved 2008-05-01 MITRE Sponsored Research Project 51MSR111, Counter-Deception Decision Support
  5. ^Chapters one to four, Jones, Milo L. and; Silberzahn, Philippe (2013). Constructing Cassandra, Reframing Intelligence Failure at the CIA, 1947-2001. Stanford University Press. ISBN978-0804793360.
  6. ^van Gelder, Tim (December 2008), 'Can we do better than ACH?', AIPIO News, Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (Issue 55)
  7. ^van Gelder, Tim (11 December 2012). 'Exploring new directions for intelligence analysis'. Retrieved 30 September 2018.
  8. ^Chevallier, Arnaud (2016). Strategic Thinking in Complex Problem Solving. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. p. 113. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190463908.001.0001. ISBN9780190463908. OCLC940455195.
  9. ^Wheaton, Kristan J., et al. (November–December 2006), 'Structured Analysis of Competing Hypotheses: Improving a Tested Intelligence Methodology'(PDF), Competitive Intelligence Magazine, 9 (6): 12–15, archived from the original(PDF) on 2007-09-28, retrieved 2008-05-01
  10. ^Chido, Diane E., et al. (2006), Structured Analysis Of Competing Hypotheses: Theory and Application, Mercyhurst College Institute for Intelligence Studies Press, p. 54
  11. ^Valtorta, Marco; et al. (May 2005), 'Extending Heuer's Analysis of Competing Hypotheses Method to Support Complex Decision Analysis', International Conference on Intelligence Analysis Methods and Tools(PDF)
  12. ^Shrager, J., et al. (2009) Soccer science and the Bayes community: Exploring the cognitive implications of modern scientific communication. Topics in Cognitive Science, 2(1), 53–72.
  13. ^Akram, Shaikh Muhammad; Wang, Jiaxin (23 August 2006), 'Investigative Data Mining: Connecting the dots to disconnect them', Proceedings of the 2006 Intelligence Tools Workshop(PDF), pp. 28–34
  14. ^Madsen, Fredrik H.; Hicks, David L. (23 August 2006), 'Investigating the Cognitive Effects of Externalization Tools', Proceedings of the 2006 Intelligence Tools Workshop(PDF), pp. 4–11
  15. ^ abCluxton, Diane; Eick, Stephen G., ''DECIDE Hypothesis Visualization Tool'', 2005 Intl conf on Intelligence Analysis(PDF), archived from the original(PDF) on 2008-08-07, retrieved 2008-05-01
  16. ^Pope, Simon; Josang, Audun (June 2005), Analysis of Competing Hypotheses using Subjective Logic (ACH-SL), Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia, ADA463908
  17. ^Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and Richards J. Heuer, ACH2.0.3 Download Page: Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH), archived from the original on 2008-03-18, retrieved 2008-03-13
  18. ^Zangwill, Willard, Quantinus Biography
  19. ^Lankenau, Russell A., et al. (July 2006), SSS Research, Inc. – DECIDE, VAST 2006 Contest Submission
  20. ^SSS Research, DECIDE: from Complexity to Clarity, archived from the original on March 28, 2007
  21. ^'Competing Hypotheses'. Retrieved 2017-06-15.

External links[edit]

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